Another reminder about life with a 3-legged Fur Baby
May 23, 2019 | 1 Comment
It’s been years since that last blog post! Life got super busy.
About Aspen MonkeyDog
Just three months after my last blog post, on December 7, 2015 Aspen crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Her cancer finally decided that it wanted to take over. Her quality life started to diminish rapidly during the last two weeks of her life. She was lethargic, wasn’t eating as voraciously as she used to and started to act very differently. I got that sad, sinking feeling that we were nearing the end. Then one day, she couldn’t stand up on her own and her breathing had changed. I slept with her for a few nights hoping this would pass. When we realized that this was it and that I couldn’t any longer see her suffer, we called up an amazing traveling veterinarian that specialized in hospice care and at-home euthanasia. Thankfully, the experience, while still traumatic and heartbreaking, was made easier by this wonderful veterinarian. I had wished she was doing this service years ago when we had to go through the same experience with Jewels. Aspen was always my girl that never showed discomfort and or ever complained. But for the first time, I knew she was clearly in pain and I had to do something to stop her suffering. She peacefully passed away in my arms outside in our backyard–one of her favorite places.
Now years later, even as I am writing this tears are still shed tears as I recall our losses. But for the most part, it’s all been mostly great, happy memories.
We have not yet gotten another dog since, but I am hoping we will get another one or two someday.
The reason why I suddenly had an urge to login to my space here at this wonderful site is that I got a messsage two days ago from my brother that he and his wife (SIL) suddenly had to have the hind leg of their beloved 5-year old pit-bull mix, amputated. Her fur-baby also likely has OSA–that nasty kind of cancer in the bone. I spoke to my SIL at length who is thankfully a veterinarian technician. She had access to timely medical care and knows how to care for her baby post-surgery. I told her about this wonderful website for support and that I would be there for her if she needed anything. This was my opportunity to “pay it forward” after receiving tremendous support from this community. As of today, I heard that her baby is recovering very well. I told my SIL that I knew her baby wouldn’t let a missing leg stop her from enjoying life. Those of us who’ve been through this know how true this is with our amazing pets. It’s incredible how they act as though nothing’s happened and they go on like it’s no problem!
1 Comment so far
Wow Geraldine, you took us by a very pleasant surprise today. What a treat to hear from you, but I’m sorry that it’s under these sad circumstances!
You have our deepest condolences for Aspen’s passing, what a heartbreaking time for your whole family, I can’t imagine what it was like to lose such a beautiful, physical connection to Jewels. I hope that the good times you all had together helped ease your grief if only a little. I’m so sorry!
What is your SIL’s doggie’s name? If she joins us here by all means please have her introduce herself, we are here to help. She can even call our Tripawds Helpline now if she wants to talk! Yep, 844-TRIPAWD will get her a live person to chat with, although it sounds to me like she has things covered with the support. Still, if we can do anything at all, let us know OK?
I really enjoyed hopping down memory lane with your wonderful blog! What an incredible documentary of Jewel’s short but unforgettable and inspawrational journey! And seeing her with Jerry’s old Barney just had us grinning from ear to ear. That was a very special time here at Tripawds, and I’m so glad that you shared it here with everyone so that newcomers can learn about beautiful Jewels once more.
Your sweet girls’ spirits live on furever, they will never be forgotten.
We hope to hear from you again soon. If you want to chat, hop over to the Forums or the chat, or however you’d like. Also, please know that the blog theme you are using is being phased out (ugh, not our doing), so it would be good for you to choose a new one in the next couple weeks. Please see:
Let us know if you’d like help!
Rene, Jim, Wyatt Ray, Spirit Jerry & the Tripawds Nation