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Aspen again.  Barney and I didn’t tell anyone about our confrontation the other day.  Instead we ended our conversation amicably and went back into the house.  Mom has no idea about what happened.

From that day I stopped worrying about Barney.  I think he really is sincere about his feelings about Jewels.  He continued to be with Jewels whenever she allowed it.  I soon realized that my need to move up in the pack hierarchy wasn’t so important right now.  It’s not so bad being at the bottom.  At least I am part of a loving family that still cares about me.  I think there are MANY other dogs out there who are not so lucky.

The next few days were generally uneventful.  We hung out with Barney and did a few fun things like playing dress-up,

Dress-up in new glasses with Cooper’s turtle and Cubs hat, MacKenzie’s scarf, and hockey jersey from Catie & Riley

watched his show with the twins, and putting together puzzles.

How did I end up with Zephyr’s ridiculous Monkeybutt ears?

There are too many pieces to this puzzle!


Barney watching Barney

We even went outside to play in the snow.

Fun in the snow

Mom still cries every now and then, especially when she is petting and cuddling with Jewels, but I think she is dealing with it pretty good.

Jewels was sometimes oblivious to Barney being the princess that she is.  Other times she’d actually acknowledge him and snuggle a little with him.

Snuggling to Barney’s delight

She is still pretty tired, but stable.  Mom keeps giving her these treats with pills in them to help keep her a little more comfortable.  I like that because I get treats too!  Without the pills of course.

Barney even got Christmas gifts from Mom!  She must be impressed with him because she gave him some fancy “jewels” to remind him of my sister and a red convertible to use for his future secret agent missions.  Wow.  He was getting the royal treatment!

Gifts of “jewels” and a red convertible!!

Barney said that with a heavy heart (and tears in his eyes) he cannot stay forever.   I suppose he took his role as a comforter to the family very seriously.  For the rest of his stay he continued to do whatever he could to help mom feel a little better and to give love to Jewels.

In a strange way I was going to miss the little purple beast.  I’m not sure if he has changed his ways permanently, but he sure did not create any more trouble after the agave incident.  Maybe it was because he was pretty scared that I would throw him to the wild animals, or perhaps it really was because he loved Jewels.  At the very least I know he helped mom feel a little better during this holiday season.

6 Comments so far

  1.    4hope on December 27, 2011 8:21 pm      Reply

    You have been very nice to Barney, and for that, I am very proud of you, even though you had to put him in his place a couple of times and have a heart to heart talk with him. I think that made the rest of his visit a nice one for both Jewels and your mom. Sometimes parents need a little distraction during the holidays to make them more tolerable (the holidays, that is), and I think Barney did the trick!
    Give my little friend, Jewels, a hug from me and tell her what a strong girl she is. And be nice to your mom–this is a hard time for her.

    Your friend,

    Spirit Hope

  2.    etgayle on December 27, 2011 9:08 pm      Reply

    aspen, great reporting – as usual. we know how it can be hard on the human sisters during the holidays, glad that barney could be a distraction and could lighten the mood at times. and, never forget what a big part YOU play in making your family the loving and caring place that it is.

    charon & spirit gayle

  3.    AbbysMom on December 27, 2011 9:08 pm      Reply

    Aspen, you are such a sweet, smart girl, and so insightful to realize there are other pups that might not have it as good as you. (And you look pretty cute in Zeffy’s ears!)

    I’m glad Barney’s visit brought your mom some comfort. Usually he just stirs up trouble! I think your talk w/ him on the agave really made a point with him. (Get it? hehehehe. A point!)

    Give your mom some extra love – and keep an eye on that dino until he’s back packed away in his box. Even though he’s on his best behavior right now, you still gotta keep an eye on him! You can’t totally trust him… (Him watching himself on TV just goes to show that there’s still a lot of his old egotistical ways in there…)

  4.    kviz on December 27, 2011 10:32 pm      Reply

    Good job, Aspen!! Looks like the whole visit has gone well under your beautiful, watchful eyes.

    Give Sweet Jewels a hug from me and Pegz…and a special hug for Mom too.

  5.    anjl on December 30, 2011 7:40 am      Reply

    Jewels looks happy in her Santa and dress up! Such good pictures!
    Even though Barney may be on his way to his next adventure, please know that Jewels and her family are still in our thoughts and prayers!

  6.    jerry on January 2, 2012 5:31 am      Reply

    My Momma’s eyes are all watery Aspen, looking at these pics with Barney and your pack. That’s ’cause it was Barney who brought me much comfort during my last days on earth. it sure looks like he did the same for Jewels too. Not bad for a little purple beast.

    Hugs, hugs and more hugs to all of you.

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